2025 Log File Viewer懶人包,推薦清單整理


Log File Viewer - 在Windows 上免費下載並安裝

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Log File Viewer

This is a simple Log File Viewer to show any Log File but optimized for files written by the NLog framework. Features: * Log Levels are ...

KittyfistoTailviewer: Open source log file viewer

Tailviewer is a free and active open-source log file viewer. Tailviewer is supported on Windows 7, 8 and 10 and requires .NET 4.7.1 or higher.

Tailviewer by Kittyfisto

Tailviewer is a log file viewer for Windows that allows you to view text based log files both offline and in real-time. It is easy to use, incredibly fast and ...

The Logfile Navigator

A log file viewer for the terminal. Merge, tail, search, filter, and query log files with ease. No server. No setup. Still featureful.

14 Top Free and Open-source Log File Viewers

LogViewer is a free open-source app that reads logs from UDP or text files using the Log4j/NLog template. It supports searching, filtering, and ...

Log Viewer

評分 3.1 (56) · 免費 · Android · Log Viewer is the perfect solution for viewing and editing log files on your phone. You can edit your log files with a user-friendly interface.

Looking for a free log file reader [closed]

I am looking for a free text log reader that can read the logs (trace logs for example) live, as they get written to. Pause and Resume functions would be nice ...


Looking for a better log viewer? LogViewPlus is a professional log file viewer that can parse, read, tail, merge and analyze log files in any format.